From the outset, the EV3 is an eye-catcher, with contemporary boxy crossover looks. It attracts attention and approving glances without being too loud.
Analysts at Jefferies believe it will be the biggest betting event in US sporting history with £1.3billion being staked. Interest has been piqued by Swift's involvement.
The online fast fashion giant had been hoping for a blockbuster £50billion flotation this year but is poised to cut its valuation to just over £40billion.
Bullion has traditionally been seen as a safe haven in a troubled period of history.
Keir Starmer should intervene before more damage is done to UK plc, consumers and under-siege smaller businesses.
Industry figures have long argued it is not achievable because of planning delays and a shortage of workers from brickies and scaffolders to plumbers and electricians.
The financial services giant said it would offload its US protection arm for $2.3billion (£1.8billion) to Meiji Yasuda, one of Japan's oldest and largest insurers.
An Italian car brand has taken matters into its own hands by cutting the price of one of its EVs below £40,000 so customers can evade a £425 tax from 1 April.
Are the green shoots starting to emerge for the junior market? Well, it certainly seems to be the case with a rash of fundraisers.
Successful recruits will work in fields such as cybersecurity, customer service, and software engineering, the telecoms giant announced on Friday.
From 1 April, EV owners will be forced to pay Vehicle Excise Duty for the first time under measures implemented by minsters to make the car tax system 'fairer'.
Swindon North MP Will Stone has tabled a draft bill that would see an unlicensed driver who causes the death of another person automatically convicted of a criminal offence.
Labour said the plan could reduce average tenant's energy bill by £240 per year - but there are concerns that landlords will sell properties instead of paying to improve them.
Halifax led the way as mortgage lenders announced rate cuts this week ahead of the Bank of England's base rate decision.
Just 28 per cent of people could work out how much money they would have if they invested £10,000 for a year, with the investment growing at 8% and compounded daily.
In a meeting with the Rachel Reeves last week, city bosses called on the Chancellor to cut tax breaks for cash Isa savers.
Crippling mortgage costs have squeezed household budgets for millions of homeowners since 2022, but now a rate cut could see payments finally start to fall.
Halifax revealed the average house price rose by 0.7 per cent in January alone, with the typical home now selling for £299,138.
As part of his love-in with infrastructure, the Prime Minister is vowing to 'rip up the rules' and grant planning licences for a new generation of reactors.
Lyttle, who quit fast fashion chain Boohoo in October 2024 after five years, said he 'always wanted to work' at M&S. Before Boohoo, he was chief operating officer at Primark.
Shares in BBGI, an infrastructure fund that owns roads, schools and hospitals in the UK, Europe, North America and Australia, jumped 17.2 per cent, or 21p, to 142.8p.
With annual profits almost doubling from £24.4bn to £47.6bn, Amazon chief executive Andy Jassy said the quarter 'was the most successful yet'.
Simon Lambert, of This is Money, and Maike Currie, of Hargreaves Lansdown, discuss the vital things that investors need to consider and some traps to avoid.
My friend told me I could automatically lose my driving licence for cycling drunk from the pub. Is that true? Is it illegal to cycle drunk?
The Bank of England cut interest rates on 6 February from 4.75 per cent to 4.5 per cent.
A new best buy easy-access savings account was launched by Coventry Building Society this week.
Volkswagen has teased it latest electric car due in 2027 - and it will genuinely be an affordable option.
The energy company is targeting a fundraise of £1m for two wind turbines in Yorkshire and Wales, and will allow retail investors to invest to own a share of the project.
The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee has posted a 78-page report outlining its musings on the future for inflation and the economy
We explain what the Bank of England's decision to cut rates to 4.5% means for your money - and whether rates will be cut again soon.
Dave founded the Bank of Dave 14 years ago to support his local community in Burnley, despite fierce opposition from the high street banks.
Three in five UK drivers stick with their existing brand when it comes time to change their cars - and a new report reveals which manufacturers have the best customer retention.
Nationwide says fewer than 2% of its members use physical notebooks in which deposits and withdrawals are recorded when made at a counter.
Workers saving for retirement under auto enrolment are set to miss their pension income goal by well over £12,000, new research reveals.
Starling Bank customers will need to make a change to their current account if they want to keep earning interest on their balances.
The investment vehicle was set to pay out at the end of the 35-year term in 2024 - but Santander needs to confirm I paid off the mortgage and says it no longer has the records.
A survey of over 4,700 car insurance claimants has found that many firms are prolonging the ordeal of making a claim for motorists.
The IGA, which represents hundreds of garages across the country, said the £54.85 cap 'threatens the viability' of small businesses facing 'inflationary pressures'.
Mortgage lenders may be pre-empting an interest rate cut by the Bank of England tomorrow, with a 0.25 percentage point cut to 4.5% all but nailed on.
A wave of takeover activity, interest rate cuts and the next chapter of the AI story could turn a new page for European stocks.
Premiums are falling dramatically - by an average of £221 in the past year alone. That's a drop of more than a fifth in just 12 months.
Some 56% of higher or additional rate taxpayers - equivalent to 4.9m adults - pay into a personal pension, such as a self-invested personal pension.
I live in a semi-detached house, so effectively share a roof with my next-door neighbours. They are about to retile part of their roof.
My husband has been bedbound in an NHS hospital for about four months and has lost a lot of muscle and weight.
The average borrower could shave four years and nine months off their repayment term by changing when they make their payments.
The property portal has looked at home sales since 2012 to work out when homes are most likely to sell without falling through - and how long it takes.
A £100 investment at the March 2020 low would now be worth £230, says Fidelity International's investment director Tom Stevenson. Here are his takeaways for investors.
Financial secrets are more common than we'd like to think. In the UK, two out of five people in a relationship admit to financial 'infidelity'.
Isa season fell into obscurity when interest rates were at rock-bottom - this year, though, competition is heating up again.
Households will have to shell out even more than anticipated on their energy bills from April when Ofgem's price cap changes, according to new predictions.
We asked finance experts to explain what Trump's trade war could mean for markets and economies, and which investments might thrive under US protectionism.
Nectar has quietly introduced a 'Spend Lock' which will freeze accounts until the customer has decided to spend their points.
More than a million people switched current account last year - the second time it has ticked over the 1m mark.
We're 57 and jointly own a £1.3m house. We want to avoid a situation where the surviving twin might have to sell our home to pay the tax bill
A Premium Bonds holder has scooped a £100,000 prize with a holding of just £100 in the February 2025 draw.
We pick our five favourite cash Isas for savers. This is essential reading to help you choose a top savings account for your money that can also protect you from tax.
The world of retirement saving has changed dramatically in my working career. The single biggest transformation has been the shift in responsibility.
Figures from the Current Account Switch Service reveal there were nearly 1.2m switches last year, with 309,290 in the last three months of the year.
The investing world's attention has been firmly on soaraway US growth stocks but there is a contrarian opportunity to profit closer to home, says Iain McCombie.
Choosing the right investing platform is crucial but a wealth of choice can leave investors scratching their heads. We pick some of the best.
We asked trusted experts to recommend the best funds that cover different investment sectors - and included This is Money's selection of active and passive options too.
If you are planning on investing, or just want to know more, we tell you
the 10 essential things to consider for a successful buy-to-let
Speculators are betting against a host of British companies in the wake of Rachel Reeves's anti-business Budget.
Millions of landlords could face bills of up to £15,000 to comply with Ed Miliband's announcement that all privately rented properties must have an EPC rating of C by 2030.
It's a simple but extraordinarily powerful force that anyone saving or going into debt should understand, says Tom Stevenson of Fidelity International.
Influencers, celebrities and ultra-rich buyers have been commissioning unique paint-jobs and wraps for their Ferraris which include emojis and in some cases graffiti.
The move, announced in November, puts some 1,100 jobs at risk with its workforce in Bedfordshire offered roles at its Ellesmere Port plant 150 miles away in Cheshire.
We detail the three main updates to car tax that will hammer the wallets of the nation's drivers from 1 April 2025.
Investors hoisted Babcock up to a five-year high after the defence and civil engineering contractor reported strong trading.
The FTSE 100 finished up 103.99 at 8727.28 - a new record closing high. It also hit a new intraday record of 8,767.50 earlier in today's session.
The FTSE 100 close at a new record high after soaring 103.99 points to 8727.28 today.
Britain's largest luxury watch retailer saw demand for prominent brands outpace supply across the two countries, especially products on 'registration of interest' lists.
The brand, which launched in the UK in 2023, will pause its international expansion, including in the UK, according to The Grocer.
The FTSE 250 business now anticipates making turnover of around £4.9billion in the year ending March, compared to analysts' average forecasts of just under £4.7billion.
Read all the latest news on Saba's takeover attack on investment trusts here. Wall Street raider Boaz Weinstein, pictured, is trying to seize control of investment companies.
The DVLA has revealed its list of banned '25' number plates before March 1 new reg plates go on sale. Here's the list of plates that are deemed too rude or offensive.
The European Smaller Companies Trust's shareholders voted down proposals by Saba Capital to kick out its existing directors and replace them with his allies.
Latest forecasts from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) are thought to show that almost all the headroom has been used up since the Chancellor's October 30 Budget.
Chief executive Emma Walmsley said ministers must work with the sector to boost investment amid growing concerns about doing business in the UK.
Norwegian state-backed group Equinor cut its green targets to boost shareholder value. And France's TotalEnergies will invest less in low-carbon projects.
Precious metal miners shone as the price of gold hit record highs amid global trade war fears after President Trump imposed tariffs on China - who reacted in kind.
Vodafone saw a key revenue stream fall by 6.4% in Germany in its third quarter after a law change last year relating to pay TV.
In the maelstrom of confusion around President Trump's tariff threats, the big question is where does the UK stand? And which might be the winning - and losing - industries and companies?
Spotify, led by boss Daniel Ek (pictured), said user numbers were up 12% year-on-year, and the jump was its highest ever for a fourth quarter.
Grainger saw rental income rocket 15% over the last four months as Britain's biggest private landlord forecast a strong outlook for the build-to-rent sector.
Diageo, home to Johnnie Walker, has struggled. Legacy problems in Latin America, where there was overstocking, were an early setback.
Two more investment trusts have fought off a takeover attempt by a Wall Street raider as he failed again to drum up support for his plans.
Petrol went up 2p a litre in January to an average of 139p and diesel by nearly 3p to 145.7p (from 142.9p), the RAC says.
Linda, who began her career in 1976 when she was 18 and first appeared on Page 3 of The Sun, believes she's made more money from property than modelling.
Elon Musk has once again said Tesla will bring an 'affordable' EV to the market. It's slated to arrive soon this year and cost less than £28k - but is it a just Tesla talk or truth?
Bacteria samples were taken at four sites in London, Nottingham and Manchester. All were found to be contaminated with faecal streptococci and enterococci.
The US beauty group, whose brands include Clinique and Bobbi Brown, said it will increase the number of job losses from 3,000 to between 5,800.
Octopus's customer base grew to 7.3m across the UK during the year to April 2024, overtaking British Gas as the largest energy supplier.
A judge at Edinburgh's Court of Sessions said the previous government's decision to approve Shell's Jackdaw gas field off Aberdeen was 'unlawful'.
Looming charges could damage 'building momentum' for Mexian tequila brands including George Clooney's Casamigos and Don Julio.
Google's parent company Alphabet posted a profit of £80bn for 2024, up from £59bn the previous year. Sales jumped to £280bn from £246bn in 2023.
The average cost of car insurance has fallen by 23% annually new research from Compare the Market shows.
BetMGM has never recorded an annual profit since its founding in 2018 as a tie-up between Ladbrokes owner Entain and US-based casino operator MGM Resorts.
Saba has suffered its fourth and fifth consecutive defeat at the hands of investment trust investors after the shareholders of two more funds rejected its takeover proposals.
Strong UK mobile and broadband sales ahead of Vodafone's megamerger with Three helped offset a sharp slowdown in the group's key market of Germany.
Guinness owner Diageo has ditched its medium-term guidance as it warned US tariff measures could stymie a recovery in demand.
YouGov chief executive Steve Hatch will step down with immediate effect following pressure form an activist investor.
Supermarket discounting helped to relieve pressure on consumers in January as grocery inflation slowed, according to new data.
Baillie Gifford US Growth Trust and Keystone Positive Change investors opposed plans by Weinstein's firm Saba Capital to clear out the board.
The effort by financier Boaz Weinstein (pictured) to decapitate Britain's £266bn investment trust industry so far has proved a bust.
The chief executive of Crest Nicholson is set to reveal a strategy overhaul next month after the housebuilder's pre-tax earnings more than halved last year.
Registrations figures for 2024 show a 14% increase in sales of models from the four major Chinese brands now available in the UK: BYD, MG, Omoda and Ora.
Some 61,343 cars were reported stolen last year, official figures have confirmed - and we can tell you if yours is among those most at risk.
Hammersmith Bridge could reopen to motor vehicles after the taskforce aimed at fixing it met for the first time in years. But it could take a decade and see a toll introduced.
Terry Holohan (pictured 'is leaving his position as chief exec' of Resolute Mining 'with immediate effect', the London-listed company said.
Rate-setters are all but certain to announce a cut from 4.75% to 4.5% at the next Monetary Policy Committee meeting on Thursday.
Unilever is considering a dual or even triple listing amid a fierce battle between Amsterdam, London and New York for its ice cream division.
A report in November found the Financial Conduct Authority City watchdog is viewed as 'incompetent at best, dishonest at worst'.
Stop Uyghur Genocide has threatened the City watchdog with court action amid allegations about the Chinese fast fashion giant's supply chain.
The yellow metal peaked on Monday afternoon, as investors put money into the 'safe-haven' asset.
The US President's tariffs on goods imported from Canada, Mexico and China sent stock markets into another tailspin. So how should British investors play this highly volatile and unpredictable situation?
The Bank of England is expected to cut interest rates when it meets later this week, which could lead to further mortgage rate reductions.
Saba has been handed a second and third defeat at the hands of UK investment trust investors, after USA and KPC shareholders rejected the hedge fund's proposals.
Ebay customers will have to shell out for extra charges when purchasing items from private sellers this week.
Every now and again, a company comes from out of nowhere and throws a cat among the pigeons. These disruptors have the potential to transform an area of our everyday lives and upend their sector.
The Dacia Sandero was the best-selling car in Europe last year, knocking the Tesla Model Y off top spot and marking the year of the budget car buying frenzy.
Capital expenditure was the watchword for investors ahead of this January's tech earnings season - but that was before DeepSeek showed up.
The recent acquisitions by pharmaceutical giants Johnson & Johnson and Bristol Myers Squibb, worth a combined $28billion, highlight the growing interest in mental health treatment.
VICKY REYNAL: I can imagine your frustration. You relied on your friend, trusting she would give you accurate information and yet, she made a mistake and now you are asked to pay for it.
The Merseyside-based group's shares were the biggest faller on the FTSE All-Share Index, plummeting by 27.6 per cent to 19.9p.
The 1954 W 196 R Streamliner has been driven by F1 royalty - Fangio and Moss (pictured inset). On 1 February, it became the world's priciest Grand Prix car sold.
The price of Bitcoin dropped to its lowest level since the end of 2024 after President Donald Trump imposed aggressive trade tariffs over the weekend.
There's a simple way of explaining what is happening, a more complex one, and a worry.
The fund comprises 45 stocks, many of them familiar names and in Stotzel's words 'world beaters' deriving a big chunk of their earnings outside of Europe.
Europe is keen to build a home-grown lithium market and Savannah has a key role to play.
Boss Anthony Viljoen has been investing heavily in Andrada's acreage and his work should bear fruit this year and beyond. At just 2p, the shares are a long-term buy.
Before investing in watches - and you can start with a few thousand pounds - first study the market.
The FTSE 100 opened sharply lower on Monday morning as the threat of a looming trade war hit stock markets around the world and investors crowded into safe have assets.
Just one in five drivers are paying their ULEZ fines on time, new research shows, as motorists purposefully ignore Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs).
Should I be concerned about my private pension if the Government wants to access these funds to boost the economy?
If memory serves me right, I collected these fun little Looney Tunes discs from packets of Walkers crisps in 1996.
Analysts at EY slashed output forecasts for this year after a 'sharp' decline in output since Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves arrived in Downing Street.
Stevens, who led GKN at the time of Melrose's £8billion swoop, slammed the decision to sell its car parts arm Dowlais to rival American Axle for £1.2billion.
Consumers are inclined to put off purchases, large and small, when confidence is low.
A House of Lords committee said the UK faced weaker growth and a drop in global competitiveness if startups continue to be snapped up by foreign buyers.
When Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg announced he was cutting political fact checking for Facebook users last month, he sported a $900,000 (£725,000) watch.
Those aged 18 to 34 will be at increased risk of losing more of their retirement funds as they are likely to accumulate more pension pots over the years.
I had a contract for the repair of appliances. But I had to pay £356 to a third party when my freezer broke. Asim said he would refund me, but never did, even after a court ruling.
Rachel Reeves vowed to make growth her number one mission. She unveiled a controversial plan to expand Heathrow airport as part of this.
They sought sanctuary in the UK after escaping a crackdown on pro-democracy protests and the introduction of repressive national security laws.
Weinstein's life is defined by calculation and risk. He was an early chess whizz, becoming a master at 16.
I have been making hints on how she could raise her game, but I suspect that I am not getting through because there's a language barrier.
The fate of two investment trusts will be decided as they face down an attempted coup by Wall Street carpet-bagger Weinstein.
It comes as the owner of Johnnie Walker whisky and Guinness stout unveils half-year results. Diageo's shares have been languishing at a five-year low.
Fundamental Hospitality, founded by chairman Evgeny Kuzin, is in the early stages of gearing up to go public.